Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My Photo Experience!

I created this video with my work from this class and one of the photo shoots i did. It was an experience that i am glad i got to have and i will never forget it.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


                                                                      TWO SIDES!!
This is a diptych of me from what I normally wear and what
 I wear to work
This is two pictures of Joe mad and him confused.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Letter Art

I found this around school and outside to make the NEVER.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Business Card

My name is the focal point of the card. It is my card for when i become a cop. This is a more casual business card and is not so serious.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Project Graduation Shirt

This is my shirt in white and black i am posting both because
i think the black looks a lot better then the white.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Photo Walk Portrait

This is a portrait of Amanda standing on a stump and I was on one knee taking the picture.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"Life In Death"

This surreal piece shows a rose going through my hand and blood at the bottom. I did not want my hand to look normal i wanted my hand to look dead and the rose look alive so it is a mix of both death and life. I used cracks to make the hand and arm look dead then made it black and white. This piece shows a great mix of life and death.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Recreate Childhood Photo

This is a photo of me when i was little with lipstick all over my face and me know with lipstick all over my face. As you can tell i grew out of my mullet.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Surrealisic Theme

For my surreal photo montage i would like to do a dark scene with a rose piercing through my hand. I really like dark scenes and how they are portrayed. In order to meet the number of images i going to have a picture of a dark background with my hand in it with a picture of a rose. I will have the rose look like it is going trough my hand and have it dripping blood. I am going to have everything dark besides the rose which i am going to leave in color to stand out so in can be the focal point of the image.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Surrealistic Artists

Erik Johansson-
          Erik was born in 1985 in Gotene, Sweden with two older sisters on a farm. He got inspired from his grandmother who was a painter. At a young age he got  a passion for online games that enter him in another world. At 15 years of age he received a camera from his parents. With his love of another universe began to combine his pictures with unrealistic things. In 2005 he studied Computer Engineering at The University of Technology. He began to post his work online and he started getting calls for his work. Today he works with Google, Adobe, and Microsoft.

Ellen Jewett-
          Ellen was born in Markham, Ontario. At a young age she began to work with three dimensional objects making all different types of things. She studied Biological Anthropology and Fine Art at Memaster University. Her education was her groundwork and no work full time in a studio doing all different types of sculptures. All of her pieces are handmade she only uses her fingers except when she paints she uses a paint brush.

Artist Name- Erik Johansson
Title- Untitled
Date- 2012

Description- A kid holding a picture of water and the water is flowing out the frame into a bigger part of water. It has a boat about to fall off the from into the bigger part of water.

Analysis- This piece is horizontal and has your eye look through the whole piece. There is a lot going on but it is shown very well and not cluttered.

Interception- This piece tells a lot of how this kid may feel. I believes it mean that the kid may look like on thing but has a lot that can flow out like water. You may never know what one person may be thinking and this is what this piece shows.

Judgment-  In the end Erik did a great piece having the water flow off the frame and showing a powerful meaning.


Artist Name- Ellen Jewett
Title- Untitled
Date- 2013

Description- This is a sculpture of a turtle but not any normal turtle it has a lot on his back that he is carrying. There is trees and birdcages all on the back of this turtle.

Analysis- This piece is three dimensional and shows the struggle the turtle is having carrying all these things. You can tell by the face of the turtle and how the back is angled.

Interception- I believe this piece tells a lot about an average person of how much they have to do. Everyone does not go throughput a day with anything they are carrying around maybe not physical but everyone has something they have on there mind. It can be a lot like this turtle or not much at all.

Judgment- Ellen did a great showing the turtle emotion and put time in making it look real. I love the meaning because I can relate with a lot on my mind and on my back.

As you can tell these two artist are nothing a lot but they both do great work in there field. Erik works with photos and make them look like nothing before and makes people think about how things can be transformed. As on the other hand Ellen does sculptures that show animals and what there environment may be with all the trees and leaves. These two artist are nothing alike at all but are both one of the best in what they do.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Landscape Hockney

This piece shows my truck but not like any other picture. After looking up David Hockney's work I was inspired to do my truck because I did not see anything like it. I took a total of 126 pictures at first but only used about 50, I took so many at first so I can have options and pick from the good pictures 
and the poor one's.

Portrait Hockney

This piece is a portrait of Ms.Friedman but is more then just one picture. As you can tell I used a bunch of picture to make up her face. I took a total of 52 pictures but in the end only used about 20. I took a lot of pictures so I can have a lot to choose from.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Photo App

       After using this app for the week I did not truly like the app that much. I wanted something that helps me fix the photo before I take it not after. If it just lets me fixes it after I can just use Photoshop with many more features.

       I would recommend a different app that allows you to use more than just filters. Don’t get me wrong it is a great app for filters and getting different pictures but for photography it doesn't let you do some of the things you want to. 

       This is why I don’t like this app that much and would recommend using something else if you want to take pictures for photography and not Instagram. It doesn't like you adjust before you take the pictures so you cannot take clear pictures before you fix them after which is just Photoshop.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Photo Walk: Depth Of Field

This photo shows depth of field because the closer 
bush you can see all the little needles and the as
it goes farther back you can't see it as well.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Partner Project

 OH NO!!!

This image shows Joe trying to eat me. I am trying to hold 
his mouth up but i do not think it will end well. The two pictures 
below are the original images before they were manipulated in Photoshop.
This image reminds me of the movie Honey I Shrunk The Kids. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Portrait Series

This photo series describes how my two best friends are as people. It shows that they do not care what people think of them and how they are close with one another and have friendship that will last a lifetime.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Photo Composition

Low key

This photo shows a low key picture because it is dark and has a more dull mood then the high key photo.


This is a silhouette photo because the subject is blacked out but the background and the surroundings have light.

High Key



 This is a high key photo because it is well lite and is bright. Shows a more excited mood and not dark and dull.
This picture shows horizontal because the sign is along the wall. The sign is wider then it is tall.
Formal Balance
This is a formal balance picture because if you fold it in half it will be the same on each side.